
Wwe Raw 2002 Wrestling Theme
wwe raw 2002 wrestling theme

  1. Wwe Raw 2002 Wrestling Theme Full Nelson On#
  2. Wwe Raw 2002 Wrestling Theme How To Be The#

WWE Champions from 2009-2019. Best Wrestlers of All Time. Recent Wrestling Tier Lists. Sung by the Million Dollar Champion himself, the entrance theme told members of the WWE Universe everything they needed to know about the greedy Superstar.World Wrestling Entertainment presents RAWWrestling Tier List Templates. The Million Dollar Man’s unmistakable cackle opened a theme song that served as an infuriating reminder of the golden rule as in the guy with the gold makes the rules.

Perfect & Test defeated Albert & Scotty 2 Hotty. Steve Austin ended in a no contest (2:25) Mr. (c) refers to the champion(s) heading into the match. Numbers in parentheses indicate the length of the match.

Trish is yanked down to the mat by Molly. Molly Holly: Trish and Victoria start trading strikes during Molly’s entrance. Opening Contest: WWE Women’s Champion Trish Stratus vs. Smackdown Review Wrestling wwe WWE Smackdown 2002-2003 Theme -.

Trish clotheslines both women and drops Victoria with a neckbreaker. Victoria delivers a strike in the corner. Victoria sends Trish into the corner allowing Molly to hit a handspring elbow. Victoria backslides Trish for a two count and argues with Molly. Trish nearly pins Victoria with a rollup.

Trish is able to get a rollup on Molly to win the match. Trish almost pins Molly, and Molly almost counters, but is sent into Victoria. Victoria plants Molly with a vertical suplex and goes to the top missing a moonsault. Victoria nearly pins Molly after a kick to the head. Trish tries for a bulldog, but Molly dumps Trish to the floor. Trish head scissors Victoria off the middle rope.

They are showing footage from Unforgiven last night when Rikishi appeared in drag and ended up sticking his ass into Bischoff’s face. It’s called Stank Wars, Rikishi’s ass strikes back. They are going to show a new scary film they are in. Considering Molly took the pin, I’m thinking that’s the direction they will go in.)Backstage, Booker T and Goldust are hanging out. Victoria came across really good here and I’m interested in seeing her compete against Trish in a singles match.

Rico tells Bischoff about Booker and Goldut showing footage of what happened last night. Bischoff questions Rico’s loyalty to him. Bischoff is pissed that Rico wasn’t there for him last night. Rico enters the scene and asks why he is here. Rico appears and he says he’s going to snitch.Backstage, Bischoff shakes hands with a mystery person and welcomes him to RAW.

Bischoff notes that nobody on RAW helped him last night and he’s not happy they are laughing at him. Bischoff goes over what happened in recent weeks between RAW and Smackdown. Bischoff is not happy because of what happened last night and says he’s not in the mood.

Eventually, Booker T makes his way out and he’s laughing about the situation involving Bischoff. Bischoff calls out Booker T to join him in the ring. Bischoff was able to make a few deals and notes that if you’re on RAW then you belong to him.

Booker says that Bischoff’s breath is heinous like a fat man’s anus. Booker does apologize and asks if HLA still stands for Hot Lesbian Action or Hot Lumpy Ass. Booker says that he does and doesn’t want the blame for Rikishi using Bischoff’s face as toilet paper.

Goldust gets in the ring and makes the save for Booker. Jamal and Rosey return to the ring and Jamal plants Booker with a Samoan Drop. Booker plants Rico with a spinebuster. Rico slides into the ring and misses a spin kick. Jamal and Rosey attempt to attack Booker from behind, but they get knocked to the floor.

wwe raw 2002 wrestling theme

The bell officially sounds when they enter the ring. Show press slams Hardy on the floor. Hardy dives onto Show with a suicide dive to stagger Show. Big Show: Hardy attacks Show on the floor with strikes, but Show drops Hardy to the floor face first. Jericho didn’t want to put the title on the line, but it’s official.Second Contest: Jeff Hardy vs.

Show chops Hardy in the corner a few times. Hardy misses a crossbody off the ropes and bounces off of Show. Show kicks Hardy away in the corner. Hardy comes off the top with a Swanton for a two count. Hardy avoids an elbow drop and connects with a dropkick. Show casually steps onto Hardy.

wwe raw 2002 wrestling theme

After a commercial break, Dreamer arrives. Nowinski says you don’t mess with a Harvard graduate. However, that often times to be a hard thing to accomplish.)Backstage, Christopher Nowinski is in a makeshift classroom and wants to have a debate with Tommy Dreamer, if he has the guts. Show can be a viable top heel if they stick to a plan with him.

Dreamer breaks his kendo stick over Nowinski’s head to end the segment.Jim Ross is in the ring to introduce the newest member of the RAW roster, and it was noticeable that Lilian Garcia was pissed off by that. Dreamer low blows Nowinski and breaks a board over Nowinski’s head. Nowinski spears Dreamer through the bookcase and delivers several strikes. Dreamer puts Nowinski’s head through the ceiling a couple of times. Dreamer drops a bookcase over Nowinski’s back. Dreamer fights back and sends Nowinski into the wall a few times.

Orton hammers away on Richards in the corner but misses a splash. Orton connects with a standing dropkick for a two count. Orton hip tosses Richards followed by a scoop slam. Steven Richards: Richards knee lifts Orton followed by strikes on the mat.

Richards clotheslines Orton and stomps on Orton. Orton avoids Richards in the corner and nearly wins with a rollup. Richards knee lifts Orton several times in the corner. Richards keeps control with elbow drops on the mat.

Wwe Raw 2002 Wrestling Theme Full Nelson On

Orton decks Richards with a clothesline and a backdrop. Richards tries for a neckbreaker, but Orton counters with a back suplex. Orton elbows free and nearly pins Richards with a rollup. Richards puts a full nelson on Orton, but doesn’t get a submission. Richards forearms Orton a few times and keeps control with a snapmare.

It’s not a bad match, but I’m not sure having Orton debut on RAW against Richards in a competitive match is the right choice. Orton knee lifts Richards in the corner and goes to the top rope hitting a crossbody for the win. Richards gets frustrated by the failure to pin Orton. Richards nails Orton with a superkick for a near fall. Orton hits a snap powerslam for another two count. Richards plants Orton with a jumping DDT for a near fall.

Flair cared more about what the fans thought than what he was doing. Flair agrees with HHH when HHH said he was pathetic. Flair recalls HHH saying that he had lost his passion, guts and instinct. Flair says that HHH made him realize something. Stacy Keibler is on the aisle dancing to the music along with Terri and Jacqueline.Ric Flair makes his way out to the ring to likely address his actions from last night when he turned on Rob Van Dam costing RVD the main event against Triple H for the RAW World Championship. Richards did his best to make Orton look as good as he could considering Orton is quite green.)Backstage, Ric Flair is walking towards the ring.Lilian Garcia introduces the Union Underground, who sing the RAW theme song live.

Flair says they are going to ride as high as HHH wants to go. Flair says it is his job to take HHH to another level. Flair knows that HHH idolized him and HHH is the RAW World Champion.

Wwe Raw 2002 Wrestling Theme How To Be The

Flair taunts RVD in the ring, but RVD is walking towards the ring. We see RVD arriving with his ribs taped and he’s tossing stuff in the hallway. Flair will teach HHH how to be the World Champion for however long he wants to be.

Flair and HHH double team Bubba sending Bubba to the floor. HHH decks Bubba with a clothesline. Bubba Ray Dudley runs to the ring and makes the save for RVD. HHH gets on a microphone and says that RVD can’t win. Flair stomps on RVD working over the ribs. HHH sends RVD into the ring steps and rolls RVD into the ring.

This is RAW and is a show for the fans. Bubba is tired of hearing and seeing HHH saying this is not the HHH and Ric Flair show. Bubba returns to the ring with a chair causing the heels to bail to the floor.Backstage, Coach tries to catchup with Bubba Dudley.

wwe raw 2002 wrestling theme